Far North Queensland Skies Cairns and Townsville Airport, Australia

Far North Queensland Skies Cairns and Townsville Airport, Australia

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Saturday 30 November 2013

FNQ Yestayear Images - November 1992

At Cairns the pickings were slim again with the only item of note was the replacing of Air Vanuatu's B727-200 with a B737-400 (VH-TJI), seen here on the 11th, its first visit, operating an Australian Airlines service.

However the more interesting news was the commencement of Operation Toga Coare from RAAF Townsville which was to last from mid November to February 1993.  Toga Coare (Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere - Coupled Atmospheric Response Experiment), is an unique experiment, internationally supported by 15 nations including the American's NCAR (National Council for Atmospheric Research), NOAA (National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration), NASA (North American Space Agency) and the UK's RAE (Royal Aircraft Establishment).  The first aircraft to arrive in November was the NCAR's much modified Lockheed 188 Electra N308D.  Note gust probe on nose shot.  Further arrivals for Operation Toga Coare will be included in Decembers and January's yestayear.

At Townsville Royal Brunei B767-200 V8-RBE operated charters for Travel Bug during the month. 

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