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Tuesday 17 January 2012

PNG Weekly Report 9-15 Jan

9/1 P2-DRS BE9L Port Moresby-Cairns
9/1 P2-KSA BE20 Mt Hagen-Cairns
9/1 VH-PDW CVLT Cairns-Port Moresby
9/1 P2-TNT P750 Daru-Horn Is-Cairns
9/1 P2-TAG FK50 Manado-Madang
10/1 P2-KSA Cairns-Mt Hagen
11/1 P2-HFN B407 Townsville-Cairns
12/1 VH-SKU BE20 Cairns-Port Moresby
13/1 P2-KSF DHC6 Port Moresby-Cairns
13/1 P2-KSN BE20 Cairns-Mt Hagen
13/1 P2-HFN B407 Cairns-Cooktown-Horn Is-Daru
15/1 VH-PDW CVLT Port Moresby-Cairns

Thanks Mike and Phil for the above info

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