NOTE: Ref to ongoing 1992 movements from JAN to DEC.
Not all postings will contain the exact date in the particular month in which they were logged at Cairns. This is due to the misplacement of the 1992 log book. Some sightings have been collated with the help of Australian Aviation’s Traffic columns for 1992, but these are far from inclusive as far as Cairns is concerned. Efforts are being made to tie up a number of undated images taken during the year with date (or month) of visit, and will be continued through the year. For example, a one day fuel strike in the southern states during the year, saw a number of aircraft call into Cairns (who refuellers did not strike) for fuel. These included scheduled carriers not seen in Cairns before, and images are awaiting a tie up date. If anyone can supply the date (or month), this would be most welcome, or for that matter any loggings for the year of 1992
04 JAN
TAA/Australian used A300’s to cover heavy traffic in and out of Cairns during the New Year holidays, VH-TAC seen here taxiing for RW33 with Australian titles
VH-TAC A300 at Cairns |
11 JAN
Flight West Airlines leased the former Norfolk Dash 8, VH-NID. It is seen here airborne off RW15 passing a hovering and shaky Robinson containing your photographer
VH-NID DH8 at Cairns |
The last EMB110 of former Norfolk Airlines VH-FCG, stored at Cairns since ops ceased, commenced engine runs during the month before being sold on to Nationair (PNG)
VH-FCG E110 at Cairns |
East West Airlines took delivery of former Ansett Airlines B727-200srs VH-ANE and made its first visit to Cairns during the month. It wears fuselage endorsements for Jupiters Casino on the Gold Coast
VH-ANE B727 at Cairns |
JAN 28
Departing Cairns for the final time was resident BAC1-11 PK-PJF which had operated the Freeport Cairns-Timika-Cairns service for several years. This is now operated by Airfast Indonesia for Freeport using B737-200’s.
PK-PJF BAC1-11 at Cairns |