Cairns Monthly Movement Summary

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Monday 13 February 2012

Townsville Mil movements in last week

8/2 DRGN05 A39-004 A332 7CF867 Amberley-Townsville-Amberley
9/2 ASY011 CS-TQM A343 49522D Al Minhad AB-Darwin-Townsville-Sydney-Brisbane
9/2 ASY521 A30-001 E737 arrived Townsville-Andersen
10/2 A97-442 C30J 7CF832 arrived Townsville-Dili
10/2 A21-26/37/53/? 4xF/A18 Tindal-Townsville
12/2 ASY012 CS-TQM A343 49522D Al Minhad AB-Darwin-Townsville-Brisbane
   Thanks Dave for the info

Due to exercise Cope North kicking off at Andersen AB late last week increased RAAF activity has been noted in the Far North's skies with several movements noted heading north to the exercise.
This year's exercise marks the first time the RAAF will participate, further demonstrating the regional allies' resolve to promote security and cooperation in this area of responsibility. Read More...

RAAF A21-53 F/A 18 taken by Dave

CS-TQM A343 taken by Dave

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