Cairns Monthly Movement Summary

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Tuesday 3 January 2012

PNG weekly report 26 Dec 11 - 01 Jan 2012

26/12 N406LC LYC406 Lae-Darwin-Denpasar
28/12 VH-PDX CVLT Cairns-Port Moresby
28/12 P2-KSJ AT42 Cairns-Port Moresby
28/12 VH-WZN BE20 Cairns-Port Moresby
30/12 VH-PDX CVLT Port Moresby-Cairns
30/12 P2-KSJ AT42 Lihir-Cairns
30/12 VH-CXJ LJ45 Port Moresby-Cairns-Townsville

Thanks Mike and Phil for the info.

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