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Friday 16 December 2011

FNQ Yestayear Images - November 1990

As a monthly feature "FNQ Yestayear Images" will be posted each month.
November 1990 below has been posted below to start off FNQ Yestayear Images.

I hope you enjoy looking back at some of the aircraft movements from back then.

01 Dec  1990 N31022 L1011 ATA
(in basic TWA livery) from SYD.
Photographed in Cairns.

13 Nov 1990 C135A 00378 USAF
ex CHC to TSV with U S Senators.
Photographed in Cairns.

C135A 00378 photographed in Christchurch with
"Mission Impossible" noted on nose.

19 Nov 1990 ZE701 Bae146 Queens Flight
(crewed by HRH Duke of Edinburgh)
c/s 'Rainbow'...from GUM to Blackhall (20th)...
Photographed in Cairns. 

Thanks to GAFLIKS for supplying photo's and background info.

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