Cairns Monthly Movement Summary

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Thursday 24 November 2011

Torres Strait Report

Thanks to Kimbo for these great pictures from the Torres Strait area.

VH-PSY C208 at Horn Island with Oil Rig in
   background heading to Kumul Platform PNG.

VH-VIC R44 at Yorke Island, taken earlier this year.

VH-VIC R44 Yorke Island being prepared for shipment.

P2-MCZ DHC-6 at Horn Island enroute to PNG.
Photographed mid-late October.

Pair of visiting RAAF Kingair 350's at Horn Is taken 31/8/11.

VH-PAF C182 at Horn Island.

VH-SGY H25B visit by QLD Premier Anna Bligh 31/8/11
for Official opening after the Horn Island
 runway restrengthening works.

ZK-HEE K-1200 at Horn Island earlier this year.

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